the Story of God's love

Your response

What you've learned can save your soul.

Do you understand that God loves you and wants to spare you from the penalty you deserve?


Can you acknowledge that your sin is separating you from God?


Do you see that because of God's great love, Jesus was sent as a sacrifice for your sins?


Do you understand that you can be reconciled to God by placing your faith in this sacrifice?


Are you ready to surrender your life to Christ in repentance, the turning away from your life of sin and towards a life of relationship with and service to Christ?


Are you willing to share with others that your life is fully trusting in Jesus and begin living daily in relationship with God?



If you answer “yes” to those questions above, it is evidence of God working in your life, drawing you to himself. If you know a follower of Christ, please ask them about new life in Christ. Or, you can complete the form below and someone will reach out to discuss this with you.


Begin walking in relationship with God by talking to him (praying) and allowing him to talk with you (reading the Bible). There is no prescribed way that this should happen; just get started. This is the beginning of your walk with God. His Spirit has come to live within you and will begin growing you to be more like Jesus. This is a life-long journey and you will be helped along the way by regularly assembling with a group of other Christ-followers, known as a church. If you do not know a follower of Jesus, look for a church in your area that is focused on teaching and living God's Word.

Additional Resources

Learn about the BIble and why you should read it, Understand the importance of prayer and how to do it, and get tips on how to choose a good church.


If you'd like to talk with someone, get help finding a church, and/or get a free Bible, complete the form below.

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